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Anti Hail Net

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Anti hail nets. ... A high-density polyethylene UV stabilised net, used to prevent hail damage in a broad variety of crops. Its transparent color allows the crops to receive a low level of shade.

Hail netting is the most efficient protection system of the plants, which can ensure a continuity of production over time. The hail netting is made of polyethylene monofilament, which is UV stabilized, high strength and durable. The hail netting can prevent the hail from damaging the plants and ensure higher yields.

Features / Benefits

High strength & light weight

Open mesh

Easy to install, flexible

UV stabilized, durable

Very low shade factor

Allows Maximum sunlight

Technically designed for maximum protection from hail

`Hail’ is considered to be the most dangerous Climatic Hazard for crops as it affects all types of production. Indeed, it can damage or destroy ongoing production but also hurt branches, buds, trunks and a substantial drop in productivity. The more efficient protection system of the plants, which also ensures a continuity of production over time, is surely the installation of `ANTI HAIL NET’.


Ideal for covering Fruit and Vegetables

Can be laid directly on the crops or over garden hoops and cages

Made from high-density polyethylene monofilaments, woven into an open

mesh fabric

Offer a lightweight, UV resistant durable mesh so that it resists tears and abrasions


8.0 Meters X 30 Meters

8.0 Meters X 50 Meters

7.4 Meters x 30 meters

7.4 Meters X 50 Meters

9.0 Meters x 30 Meters

9.0 Meters X 50 Meters

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* To embrace new technologies and methods. * To give unsurpassed products and services to the clients. * To constantly look for improvement and changes.

Site Designed & Maintained by Aman Infotech
Anti Hail Net, Anti Insect Net